Please go to the KidsandMe website and register so they do not have to manually add you into their data base. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-wPDv6EVUDZUms-fVaYlc6juajkYsR8lobqef3xpwbuDlAw/viewform
Resource Research or Submission Guidelines
The goal of Resource Guide Research is to find leads for help for Single Moms. The Resource Guide (Local Resource List) is linked here: https://7e49b8cf-d24b-43dc-a267-b75c1df82a14.filesusr.com/ugd/905818_f08ea3ddd4f54823896384ab2aa65b60.pdf
Good things to know:
1) The categories are listed in the Table of Contents (tip: You can click on these categories to go right to that part of the document instead of scrolling.)
2) Please first examine what is already listed so you don't double efforts unnecessarily.
3) Then, begin your search for an appropriate resource.
4) Once you find one, be sure to gather the following info to send to me:
In which Category does the Business belong?
Name of Business
Street Address/ Location
In which County is the Business Located?
Email address
Phone Number
Website Address
A short description of what the business does.
Any discount or special terms the business offers for Single Moms
If you find a resource that doesn't fit a category already listed, let me know and we'll add a new one :)
Sheila South
Admin Support
The Kids & Me
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